

I find myself spending more and more time searching for and exploring new places. I need to interpret what I see in a new way. This compels me to examine locations in detail and be very attentive to how both visible and invisible light shapes the landscape.


I’ve always wanted to find a way to be inspired by my region. By using infrared, I can alter certain landmarks to create a unique version of what surrounds me, to pique the curiosity of the viewer.


‘B3Y0ND’ is an encouragement to reconnect with the nature that surrounds us. To look beyond what we see and be inspired by the wonders of our world.


Ile De La Harpe was photographed using a 720 nm filter. The green foliage of the trees shines under a dark blue sky. Stars were captured in visible light during the night in the Alps. The final image reveals a different perspective of a renowned location in Rolle, Switzerland.